Board of Directors & Committees
Are you passionate about metal and jewellery arts?
Are you interested in adding arts nonprofit volunteer experience to your CV?
Don't be shy! We'd love to hear from you. Members and non-members are eligible to join committees at any time of year. All may also run for board positions (elected each spring during the annual general meeting). If a nominee is not a current VMAA member, they will be required to become a member if elected.
2024-2025 Term: We are actively searching for a president, secretary, and new members of the exhibitions committee.
While we currently have a treasurer, exhibitions chair and social media chair, we are also seeking new board members who would like to eventually learn how to take on these important roles in the coming years. The benefit of being a board member rather than a volunteer is entirely related to having a seat at the decision-making table when it comes to governing the society, and shaping its trajectory and priorities.
We encourage people of all levels of experience, all backgrounds, genders, and abilities to apply.
Maintains a clear vision and mission for the association, oversees board initiatives, regulates communications with the membership, and chairs regular board meetings.

Vice President
Supports the president in maintaining a clear vision and mission for the association, delegates tasks to board and committee members, and fills in for the president when necessary.

Oversees the management
and reporting of the
association’s finances,
maintains the VMAA
bank account, and provides
basic bookkeeping.

Takes minutes and tracks
decisions at regular board
meetings and the annual
general meeting, and assists
with filing the society's

Board members with society responsibilities (i.e. President, Secretary, Treasurer) generally serve for two- or three-year terms, with the first year being light on responsibilities as they learn more about the organization and duties. However, this is not a requirement; you're welcome to join for just one year as a member-at-large.
Our board of directors meets five times a year for regular board meetings and for the AGM, and those considering serving on our board should feel able to attend every one of them. Whether or not you have experience in serving on a nonprofit board, we're keen to meet you and promise to support you.
Most board members sit on other committees or working groups, such as for exhibitions, finance, competitions, website or member engagement. We invite you to bring your expertise or your enthusiasm – or both!
To make a nomination or expression of interest or to learn more, please send a brief email with the name of the candidate and a resume to
Committees and Creative Support
As we are a working board, for our organization to accomplish its ambitious vision, various board members may chair or otherwise become involved in at least one of our committees. Members of the community may volunteer to support these activities while learning about membership engagement, marketing, public relations, grant writing, website maintenance, exhibitions organization, sponsorship development and other skills while adding to their resumes.
Scouts exhibition opportunities, liaises with galleries, applicants and jurors to organize and deliver our annual VMAA exhibition.

Explores and coordinates the development of new partnerships and funding opportunities for the organization, including granting bodies.

Organizes social events to engage and build our community, and oversees our mailing list and communications to our members.

Creative Support
VMAA is always searching for engaged volunteers for event organization, designers, writers, photographers, web developers and social media mavens.