Updated: Apr 21, 2024
Presented by the Vancouver Metal Arts Association at the Sidney & Gertrude Zack Gallery, Vancouver, BC
October 19 – November 12, 2017
Deadline for submission August 1, 2017
Simultaneously a verb, adjective and noun, light can be many things. The beauty of light can guide, dazzle, comfort, signal or illuminate. But to light is also to spark or ignite, to understand. Light is a transformative agent; throughout history numerous cultures and religions have celebrated the mysterious properties of light. We embrace light with diverse intentions, both practical and abstract.
How do you explore the concept of light within your practice? Are you interested in the symbolic meaning that light carries across so many cultures? Perhaps you are investigating the material qualities of luminescence, translucence, reflection or even weight within your work?
We are committed to exhibiting a broad range of relevant, well-executed work.
Exhibition Timeline
Registration, Fee and Photo Deadline: August 1
Shipping and receipt of artwork: October 10 - 14
Opening Reception: Thursday, October 19, 7:00p.m.
Pick up: November 14 & 15.
Submission fees for LIGHT are as follows:
VMAA Members: $45 VMAA Student Members: $25 Non-VMAA Applicants: $70* Non-VMAA Student Applicants: $45*
*Fees include membership for the remainder of the calendar year