2019-2020 Franklin Studio Report
Prepared by Clarissa Long, Studio Coordinator
In October of 2019, we received notice that we were being displaced from our studio space at 1282 Franklin Street. Through negotiations with the landlord, we were able to extend our occupancy until January of 2020. With this extension, we were able to continue with our planned participation in the East Side Culture Crawl and our artists were able to work in the current studio during the upcoming, busy holiday season.
We were very fortunate to be able to secure a new studio space quickly, conveniently located one block away at 1112 Franklin Street. All of our artists, as well as Laser Sharp, stayed on and moved into the new space. The new building we have moved into is an established arts building with other makers occupying the building and a supportive landlord, meaning we have tenancy security for the future. In this space, we have been able to install a new ventilation system and have set up a communal tools area. We had planned to build four new rental benches in our larger studio space. However, construction has been put on hold due to circumstances from COVID-19. Once things resume to the new normal, we will be able to welcome four new members to our space and these new spots will first be offered to our waitlist.
Our scholarship bench award will shift from a semi-annual three month period to an annual six month period, to support a more in-depth research period for the recipient. The applications and offer for this residency has been put on hold, also due to COVID-19.
Franklin Studio has set out new safety and security protocols in response to COVID-19 and has been able to set up a Rent Relief Fund to support our artists who are in most need financially right now. We are proud to announce that we were able to honour every request that was submitted for financial aid, meaning none of our members have had to leave the studio due to the pandemic.
As always, the communal studio is interested in partnering with the local jewellery and metal arts community, and welcomes any suggestions on how we can continue to support each other.
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